Monday, January 31, 2011

Real Love ..By Nicole

for me the most important is love.not gold,not diamont,not money and most of all not any treasure,you will not be happy bcoz you have that all,money can buy all,but good friends good partners in life noooooooooo,you cannot buy that,bcoz god send you that in the right time and in the right place,the most important is how to treasure them and give them true and honnest love,bcoz what ever happened they always there for you in richer and in poor,its so hard that one day when we realize that the person we love is gone and leave us,bcoz we not give them time,love and respect,so happy to love and to have love without any condition,heart cannot fix if they feel so much pain,we are not fairy that we can heal the painful heart like in the fairytails,i wish to all that if god give us a second time to love,just love them and feel for them how much important them to us,and give all your love to them without any condition and love them with all your heart and soul,im not believe that we can feel love bcoz we see the person have a good and sexy body or beauty face or handsome face,its not important,the most important is what is in your heart,its not important if you are not rich,its not important if you are graduated or not,its not important if you are not smart,its not important if your age is too young or older than your love,they say age does'nt true love no rich no poor,in true love no smart no illiterate,in true love no beauty no ugly,the most important is how to give them real and true love,even distance cannot stop our heart to love and to feel inlove,so just care for your love and feel to them that you always there to comfort them,so simple to say we care and we worried to your love,but the question is if thats worried is true????bcoz if we accept our partner in our life or if we go in a relation,we need to prove it that the person we love is real part of our life,in a simple words,we can feel for them how much we care for them,but if not that is not true love,love cannot pay,love is not for play,love is not lie,love is not selfish,love is give and take,so many question in our heart that we cannot answer,but the true so happy to have a good partner in life forever!so scared and lonely to be older alone just find love that he and she will stay to you until the last beat of your heart,so happy to have loving and caring partner that when you feel alone and you need a shoulder to cry,she or he is always there for you to comfort you and give you a srtong heart,tears will fade away if your love is there for you!!!love your partner like he loves you, just remember if you say I LOVE YOU its come from the botton of your heat.... 

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